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About HopkinsLocal

HopkinsLocal is a firm commitment to leverage the economic power of Johns Hopkins University and Health System to expand participation of local and minority-owned businesses in construction opportunities; increase our hiring of city residents, with a focus on neighborhoods in need of job opportunities; and enhance economic growth, employment, and investment in Baltimore through our purchasing activities. We are committed to accountability through clear, measurable goals and regular reports on our progress.

Starting in FY21, we are also committing to increase our use of minority and/or local investment firms and continuing to support the Baltimore branch of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program to encourage the growth of local entrepreneurs.

Since its launch in 2015, HopkinsLocal has made connections with peer institutions, regional forums, and national organizations to share our experiences, provide strategic counsel to other colleges and universities, and join conversations about economic inclusion around the world. The program has been highlighted in higher education and national news publications and our leaders have presented at a number of events. Among the highlights, HopkinsLocal:

  • Joined the Anchor Learning Network created by the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities in partnership with the Democracy Collaborative and presented at the 24th annual CUMU Conference and two Democracy Collaborative events
  • Held a session with Maryland Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)
  • Attended the National Institutes of Health’s HBCU Industry Day

We are committed to accountability through clear, measurable goals and regular reports on our progress. You can read more about our efforts, our HopkinsLocal team, and our success stories.

Contact Johns Hopkins staff who can assist with specific areas of our initiative

Joseph Starchia, JHU Diversity Recruiting Program Manager

Lisa Brown-Hall, JHHS Economic Inclusion Recruiter

Design & Construction Team

Procurement Team