HopkinsLocal Goals

In 2022, Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Health System outlined its goals for supporting economic inclusion in the City of Baltimore through fiscal year 2026. The institutions committed to:

  • Achieve 20% of addressable spend with minority- and women owned businesses and 20% with local businesses. Expand technical assistance programs and engagement to increase access and support the growth of businesses in design and construction.
  • Increase local hiring to 52%. Expand higher-paid positions, and increase hires making between $50,000 – $75,000. Develop programming to support the retention and career advancement of local hires.
  • Increase spending with local businesses by $25 million with an emphasis on minority- and women-owned companies. Establish partnerships to support minority and women-owned businesses in Baltimore, including the provision of training.
  • Increase the investment of the Johns Hopkins endowment with diverse and women-owned investment firms by $150 million. Partner with our Baltimore-based banking relationships to support small minority-owned businesses participating in Johns Hopkins-sponsored programs, including access to capital.

Read more about Johns Hopkins’ plans to achieve these goals and related efforts:

Build Goals

Hire Goals

Buy Goals

Invest Goal