Evaluating the program

HopkinsLocal approaches evaluation by ensuring reviews are frequent, senior leadership is engaged, and external validation is sought. Key steps include:

  1. BUY, BUILD and HIRE teams meet bi-weekly to track progress on short-term goals.
  2. The HopkinsLocal workgroup (all teams and senior leadership) meet once a month to track progress, identify challenges, and consider solutions
  3. The workgroup meets quarterly for a longer meeting to track progress and course correct if needed.
  4. Annual data is culled and then shared with a third-party monitor for additional review/verification.
  5. The workgroup meets annually with JHU President Ronald Daniels and JHHS President Kevin Sowers to review progress.
  6. The workgroup reviews annual data results, prepares reports, and makes adjustments to goals based on progress from that year. For example, In the first phase, BUY increased its annual goal each year, from $6 million to $10 million to $15 million from FY16-18.
  7. Senior leaders including the vice president of Human Resource, the chief procurement officer, and the vice president of Facilities and Real Estate are evaluated on their HopkinsLocal goal progress during their annual reviews.


  • All data is gathered, reports developed and published to the public, new goals set
  • 3rd Party Monitor reviews results from the year
  • Presidential briefing
  • Staff evaluations based on HopkinsLocal goal progress


  • Workgroup meets to discuss progress and course correct, as needed


  • Workgroup meets to discuss progress of the division teams with senior leadership


  • Division teams meet and review short-term goals
  • Debrief internal and external meetings to advance goals